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Rights and Responsibilities

Learn more about the Rights and Responsibilities of Patients and Families

Hospital Nove de Julho values excellent service and understands that all its patients have rights and responsibilities so the service is as remedial as possible. ​ 

Rights of the Patient  

  1. To have decent, attentive, and respectful service, without prejudice of race, creed, color, age, gender or diagnosis. 

  2. To be identified by name, surname, and date of birth. Not be referred to by the name of the disease; by numbers or codes; or in a generic, disrespectful or prejudiced manner. 

  3. To identify the professional by badge, filled in with the full name, position, and name of the institution, which must be kept in a visible place. 

  4. To receive clear, objective, and understandable information, adapted to their cultural condition, about diagnostic, therapeutic and anesthetic actions; its possible consequences; duration of treatment; exams and conducts; risks and benefits. 

  5. To freely and voluntarily consent or refuse, after clarification and adequate information, the diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to be carried out in their treatment. When significant changes occur in the initial state of health or the cause for which consent was given, the consent must be renewed. In cases of the patient's incapacity for conscious manifestation, the patient must be legally represented. 

  6. To revoke the previous consent at any time, by free, conscious, and informed decision, without moral or legal sanctions. 

  7. To have a second medical opinion with a professional of their trust. 

  8. Having a medical record prepared in legible manner and to consult it in accordance with the current legislation, in compliance with the Code of Medical Ethics and rules established by the Hospital. The medical record must include the set of standardized documents and information about the patient's history, principles, and evolution of the disease, therapeutic approaches and other clinical notes. 

  9. To receive prescriptions with the generic name of the drug and not the code. The prescriptions must be typed or have legible handwriting, in addition to the signature and stamp with the registration number of the respective Professional Council. 

  10. To receive, upon request, any and all information about the medications that will be administered. 

  11. To safety and physical integrity, respecting the established security resources and procedures and the Hospital's facilities. 

  12. Access to their private expenses. 

  13. To have the medical confidentiality protected, as long as it does not pose risks to third parties or the public health. 

  14. To keep their privacy, with service in a proper place and professional conduct that protects this privacy. 

  15. To receive visits of friends and relatives at times that do not compromise the activities of professionals working in the service, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Hospital, as well as not receive them upon express expression of will or by medical order. 

  16. If a child or adolescent, the full-time permanence of a parent or guardian during inpatient treatment, the name of the parent or authorized companion must be known to the professional team, and recorded in their medical record.  

  17. When elderly, aged 60 years or over, preferential care, respected urgent/emergency situations, with the right to a companion. The name of the companion must be known to the professional team, and registered in their medical record. 

  18. To have their spiritual and religious beliefs respected and to receive or refuse moral, psychological, social, and religious assistance. 

  19. To be clarified whether the treatment or diagnosis is experimental or part of a research. 

  20. To a dignified and serene death, being able to express their own opinion (provided that they are lucid) or legal responsible, in regard of the location or company, and whether or not the patient desires to use painful and extraordinary treatments to prolong life, whilst informed consent forms must be used for the refusal of treatment/procedure, as well as the information is to be duly registered and substantiated by the physician responsible in daily medical records, as provided for in the Code of Medical Ethics.  

  21. To dignity and respect, even after death. Family members or guardians must be notified immediately upon death. 

  22. To not having any organ removed from their body without their prior authorization, or from their legal guardian, in cases of proven inability to express the patient's will. 

  23. To have access to qualitative blood information, in cases where transfusion is necessary. 

  24. To be informed about all of the rights above, about the Hospital's rules and regulations, and about how to communicate with the Hospital's authorities and leaders to obtain information, clarify doubts, and file complaints. 

  25. Hospital 9 de Julho's Policy on the Rights of Patients and Families is based on State Law No. 10.241, of the 17th of March 1999, which provides for the rights of users of health services and actions in the State of São Paulo; Federal Law No. 8060, of the 13th of July 1990, which enacts the Child and Adolescent Statute, and Law No. 10.741, of October 2003, which enacts the Elderly Statute; in Law 10.406 of January 2002 which instituted the Civil Code; and in the Federal Constitution of 1988.  

Responsibility of the Patient 

  1. To provide precise, complete, and accurate information about their health history, previous illnesses, past medical procedures, and health-related issues. This information must be provided by the legal representative, when applicable. 

  2. To inform the professionals responsible for their treatment of unexpected changes in the patient’s current health status. 

  3. To demonstrate understanding of the actions that are being taken or proposed to cure the damage to their health, the prevention of complications or sequelae, their rehabilitation and the promotion of their health, asking questions whenever in doubt. 

  4. To follow instructions recommended by the multidisciplinary team that assists the patient, being responsible for the consequences of their refusal. 

  5. To expressly authorize and consent to medical procedures and examinations, when the case so requires. ​

  6. To indicate the person financially responsible for their hospital treatment, informing the Hospital of any changes in this indication. 

  7. To settle their private outstanding debts, as well as those not covered by their health plan. This duty is also the responsibility of the person financially responsible. 

  8. To know the coverage of the available network, as well as the list of coverage of their health insurance plan. 

  9. To provide the necessary authorizations with the healthcare plan, when applicable. ​

  10. As well as their companion, to vacate the bed, right after hospital discharge, or in case of admission to the ICU, within a period of 1 (one) hour, whilst verifying that no personal effects were left behind. 

  11. To know and respect the Hospital's rules and regulations, through the Patient Guidance Manual. 

  12. To respect the rights of other patients, companions, employees, and service providers of the Institution. 

  13. To look after the Hospital's property placed at their disposal for their comfort and treatment - and request visitors and companions to do the same. 

  14. To participate in their treatment plan and hospital discharge or indicate someone who can do it. 

  15. To meet and respect the prohibition of smoking on the Hospital's premises, extended to companions, in accordance with the current legislation. ​