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​Also known as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiatry is the medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of functional alterations in patients. There are pathologies and conditions of a physical, psychic or sensory order, which can impair the patient's autonomy for daily and professional activities, generating long-term limitations. 

At H9J, Physiatry works in the evaluation and treatment of patients with orthopedic (back pain, joint pain) and neurological (cerebrovascular accident sequelae, spinal cord injury) illnesses. The objective of Physiatry is to promote the patient's rehabilitation.  

Difference between Physiatry and Physiotherapy  
The physiatrist is a physician and is responsible for managing the individual's treatment in order to medicate, request tests and prescribe specific treatments (among them, Physiotherapy). The Physiatrist is also qualified to perform medical procedures (such as infiltrations and neuromuscular blocks), in addition to guiding multidisciplinary treatment consisting of physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, among others. Thus, the treatment becomes more integrated and efficient. 

"It is important to emphasize that the Physiatrist does not treat specific diseases, but conditions that lead to functional incapacity, always supported by the multidisciplinary team. For example, in the case of a herniated low back pain requiring surgery, the curative treatment for this condition is surgery. But what will restore the individual's physical potential is the Rehabilitation process before and after the surgery, developed by the multidisciplinary team", says Tamira. 

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